N5230C|N5230C厂家|北京N5230C厂家|北京N5230C厂家价格 N5230C|N5230C厂家|北京N5230C厂家|北京N5230C厂家价格 N5230C|N5230C厂家|北京N5230C厂家|北京N5230C厂家价格 产品名称:PNA-L矢量网络分析仪 产品型号:N5230C 产品规格:10 MHz - 20 GHz (选项220/225) 供应商名:agilent 附 件:校准件、平转N头、说明书、电源线 主要技术指标 N5230C 108 dB的动态范围,<0.006 dB迹线噪声 N5230C <9微秒/点的测量速度,32个通道,16,001点 N5230C 支持TRL/LRM校准、晶片上、夹具内和波导测量 N5230C描述 安捷伦PNA-L矢量网络分析仪隶属于PNA系列网络分析仪平台,是为满足通用网络分析需求而设计的。其先进的功能可以帮助您*、简便、精确地完成工作。 N5230C 108 dB的动态范围及0.004 dB的轨迹噪声 N5230C <4.5 μs/点的测量速度,32条测量通道,每条通道较多16,001点 N5230C 支持TRM/LRM校准,提供较精确的晶片、夹具和波导测量 3.5mm (插入式) 连接件 N5230C PNA-L是一款4端口、20GHz矢量网络分析仪。该仪器可用于测量多端口平衡元件,如滤波器、双工器和RF模块等。Agilent N5230C PNA-L网络分析仪配有选件240/245,有助于无线通讯、WLAN、信号完整性、航空和*领域的射频和微波工程师快速了解元件的特性,显着降低测试成本和提高工作效率 PNA-L Series Network Analyzer Configurations PNA-L option configurations To add options to a product, order the corresponding item number. Description For N5230C Additional information Frequency range and test set (Mandatory, choose only one) Option 020 300 kHz–6 GHz 2-port standard test set N5230C-020 Option 025 300 kHz–6 GHz 2-port configurable test set and extended power range N5230C-025 Option 120 300 kHz–13.5 GHz 2-port standard test set N5230C-120 Option 125 300 kHz–13.5 GHz 2-port configurable test set and extended power range N5230C-125 Option 140 300 kHz–13.5 GHz 4-port standard test set N5230C-140 Option 145 300 kHz–13.5 GHz 4-port configurable test set and extended power range N5230C-145 Option 146 300 kHz–13.5 GHz 4-port configurable test set, extended power range and internal second source N5230C-146 Option 080 recommended Option 220 10 MHz–20 GHz 2-port standard test set N5230C-220 Option 225 10 MHz–20 GHz 2-port configurable test set and extended power range N5230C-225 Option 240 300 kHz–20 GHz 4-port standard test set N5230C-240 Option 245 300 kHz–20 GHz 4-port configurable test set and extended power range N5230C-245 Option 246 300 kHz–20 GHz 4-port configurable test set, extended power range and internal second source N5230C-246 Option 080 recommended Option 420 10 MHz–40 GHz 2-port standard test set N5230C-420 Option 425 10 MHz–40 GHz 2-port configurable test set and extended power range N5230C-425 Option 520 10 MHz–50 GHz 2-port standard test set N5230C-520 Option 525 10 MHz–50 GHz 2-port configurable test set and extended power range N5230C-525 Measurement applications Option 010 Time domain for 6 GHz model N5231C-010 Option 010 Time domain for 13.5, 20, 40 or 50 GHz model N5230C-010 Option 080 Frequency offset measurements N5230C-080 Option 082 Scalar-calibrated converter measurements N5230C-082 Option 080 required Option 5501 4-port measurement application N5230C-550 Not available on 4-port models. Requires test set Option xx5 or xx6 Option 5511 N-port capabilities for 6, 13.5 or 20 GHz model N5231C-551 Requires test set Option xx5 or xx6 Option 5511 N-port capabilities for 40 or 50 GHz model N5230C-551 Requires test set Option xx5 or xx6 Accessories Option 1CM Rack mount kit without handles N5230C-1CM Option 1CP Rack mount kit with handles N5230C-1CP Calibration documentation Option 1A7 ISO 17025 compliant calibration N5230C-1A7 Option A6J ANSI Z540 compliant calibration N5230C-A6J Calibration software for self-maintainers Option 8972 Perpetual license for built-in performance test software for Keysight inclusive calibration N5230C-897 Option 8982 Perpetual license for built-in performance test software for standards compliant calibration N5230C-898 N5230C PNA-L 微波网络分析仪 主要特性与技术指标 · 300 kHz 至 6/13.5/20 GHz 和 10 MHz 至 20/40/50 GHz · 2 端口或 4 端口,具有两个内置信号源 · 110 dB 系统和 122 dB 接收机动态范围,32,001 个测量点,32 通道 · < 0.006 dB rms(选件 22x) · 测量速度:每点 4 至 9 μs PNA-L 网络分析仪的设计可满足您的通用网络分析需求,且价格在您的预算之内。 · 300 kHz 至 6 GHz,2 端口 · 300 kHz 至 13.5 GHz,提供 2 端口和 4 端口型号 · 10 MHz 至 20 GHz,提供 2 端口和 4 端口型号 · 10 MHz 至 40 GHz,2 端口 · 10 MHz 至 50 GHz,2 端口